think i saw the the cap gazette shooter and sidewalk shooter in st pete

i'm pretty sure i saw him in the st pete north branch library quiet room in 2016-17

pretty sure i saw the black guy that later video recorded walking up to an older black gentleman walking on the sidewalk and said a lady psychologist friend of his was why he was doing what he was about to do then shot the older guy in the face

i was off my meds when i saw them there and i was under constant attack from some of the images of people i've seen in my mind since i found a hypnotic trigger on a cross in 1997

i remember the people attacking me purposely -i thought - appeared waiting over both of those men's heads (at the different times i saw them) and try to trick me into counter attacking them by lifting little balls of light up from them

i am diagnosed with sz but the year after i saw the cap gazette shooter i was in my tent just after a tropical storm had flooding the place i was staying

it was night and i was resting peacefully and the cartoon like people i see were quiet because we had gotten to church that week and had been vegan for about a month

suddenly, what felt like a 5/8 inch sphere dropped down from my brain through the roof of my mouth, pushed through my left cheek without harming it, hopped down on my chest, hopped onto my shoulder then to the ground

after a while it hopped back up on my shoulder, to my chest and waited

for some reason - because it seemed to hop and wait patiently like a nice person - i asked it if it wanted to go back inside my head

kind of stupid i know but it was important that i did ask it

i picked it up and popped it back in my mouth where it raised up through the roof of my mouth and up into my brain

the whole time it was outside my head i was sane again

when the ball had left my brain the images and voices and feelings of the cartoon like people i had been living with for 19 years sort of faded out of existance in a moment

when the ball went back up into my brain they began growing from the sphere into the images and people that were there before

the whole time the ball was outside my head i was sane again my head clear and black with nightime darkness - there were no nitelights on, just peaceful and empty night


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