bus stop eye opener

- politico november 2nd 2020


- all you can eat election fraud buffet and sampler

google says it uses cookies to collect metric data proceed if that is okay with you or push the abort button to go back to the comfort of your phone's camera watching your every expression and move even in the dark with it's infrared lens - now you wish you had lost that 10lbs you were promising yourself you'd take off - huh?

bus stop on orleans road by the citidel mall

it's called the citadel mall because the citidel, where students from fired the first shots of the u s civil war, is located along the ashley river in charleston

the civil war became quite uncivil 2 1/2 hours later when the united states of America returned fire

a few months after 2015 walter scott shooting and  a m e church shooting i was sitting at a bus stop on orleans road in west ashley, south carolina just across the ashley river from north charleston with a charming lady whose phone battery had died after mentioning she had gone to high school with darius rucker

$5.99 + tax at hebert's pharmacy

bring a charged rechargeable battery when you take the bus it's a fine ice breaker

but this was a nice girl so i told her about bernie after sharing  one of my phone chargers but she said she didn't vote anymore because the system was rigged.

all i could say was the best way to beat the rigging is for a lot of people to vote so the discrepancy between the exit polling and the recorded results is apparent

- electoral fraud wiki

pew research says the u s has one of the lowest voter turnout of any industrialized nation with 55.70% of the voting aged population showing up in 2016 to vote while australia, by comparison has 79.86% of it's voting age population voting

maybe if the polls offered free beer or at least some election nite scratch off tix

ravenel bridge

republican and former es&s voting machine maker c e o chuck hagel was obama's secretary of defense

jill stein was blocked by judges in pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan from her constitutional right to have the private corporation voting machine sourcecode, which has never been tested for errors or malicious coding that could alter vote tallies, independently audited

of course if she hadn't been blocked and they checked the source code we'd probably have to find a new way of looking at a corporate owned government besides the same ol' knowing they are crooked but not being able to do anything about it without pointlessly killing a whole bunch of americans, trashing the constitution and the u s military and leaving the nation far worse worse than it is now

so we revert to default passive aggressive twitter riposts and flaming meme wars

jill stein formed votingjustice.us with the leftover blocked recount money

time says hillary had a 14 % point lead in the polls going into the 2016 presidential election

london economic says joe had a 14 % point lead going into the 2020 election

tdms edison research november 4th, 2020

exit polls from tdms research show bernie sanders winning many states where he lost the recorded vote in the 2016 democratic primary and hillary clinton winning many states the recorded vote says she lost in the 2016 general election

exit polling shows discrepancies in the 2016 presidential elections

wikipedia says exit polls have historically been used to check the degree of election

2020 democrat primary election pre adjusted exit polls appear to show election rigging also:

- john fitzgerald twitter

the portland press herald says 2017 republican administration attorney general matthew dunlop and the conservative maine legislature tried to ban exit polling 

this happened after it was posted in this blog on bangor daily news social media that exit polling were how election fraud was discovered 

the proposed 2017 law died between houses in 2018

motherboard reports es&s put remote access software on voting machines election management systems

- keith's fb post van buren used the es&s ds200 in 2016:

- computer world 2012

- tdms edison research november 4th, 2020

- pro publica

looky what the new york times, november 3rd, 2020, shows the tdms edison reseach pre adjusted exit polls said about the maine state senate race the recorded vote says susan collins beat sara gideon by 9% in :

- all the maine senate race polls showed tied or tilt d

- maine 2020 u s senate race wiki

- the guardian april 23rd, 2019

- the federal news network and the associated press say north carolina voting machine makers are owned by secretive private equity funds

- nbc news

the guardian says the new paper trail voting machines are just another confidence trick

- the guardian april 22nd, 2016

election justice u s a was formed after the 2016 democratic primary debacle in arizona


'a glitch allegedly caused thumb drives from 5 towns not to read in the tabulation computer so police had to drive to the towns and pick up hard copies of the votes'

- florida 2018 senate election recount missing 3000 votes

bev harris became famous on the art bell coast to coast radio program after instructing herself in computer lexicon then uncovering g e m s fractional voting in her expose 'black box voting':

“We kept hearing from election officials that voting machines were never on the internet,” he said. “And we knew that wasn't true. And so we set out to try and find the voting machines to see if we could find them on the internet, and especially the back-end systems that voting machines in the precinct were connecting to to report their results.”

Skoglund and his team developed a tool that scoured the internet to see if the central computers that program voting machines and run the entire election process at the precinct level were online. Once they had identified such systems, they contacted the relevant election officials and also provided the information to reporter Kim Zetter, who published the findings in Vice’s Motherboard in August.'

- nbc news january 10th, 2020

link to this post https://bit.ly/2TUcwmS


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