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fdr entered the oval office with one of the  largest mandates ever and a national emergency

only to go on to win the largest electoral college tally  in his reelection bid in 1936

google says it uses cookies for metric data proceed if that is okay with you

history of top tax bracket 

mises .com says debt grew more under bush and reagan than under obama

nasdaq says obama lowers oil prices with iran deal finalized in 2015

chevy volt goodnews and beyond

trump tariffs on solar and steel came in january and march ( the dow april 28, 2018 )

dow jones industrial average 1982-2018

obama's enacted february 2009

dow Jones industrial average 2007-2017

march of dimes wiki

cpi ( inflation ) from 1913 - 2018 ( arab oil embargo 1973 and formation of opec 1960 )

the great depression followed the largest tax cuts in history:

 Dear Bangor Daily News :

' The late actor Jack Lord was born 22 days before the World Almanac says Republicans acquired Congress and the presidency from 1921 to 1933. says Republicans lowered the top marginal tax rate in stages from 73% in 1921 to 24% in 1929, the year we first shattered the world economy.

Democrats raised it to 92% in 1952 and 1953, the years says unemployment fell to 3.0% and 2.9%.

It stayed at 91% from 1954 through 1963 while unemployment averaged 5.4% / year, says the Dow grew 17.2% / year and says national debt rose 1.27% / year.

Except spiking 1968 - 1970 (Apollo 11 launched 7/16/69), it was lowered by Democrats to 70% between 1964 - 1980, while unemployment averaged 5.5% / year, the Dow rose 2.6% / year, and national debt rose 11.2% / year.

Republicans lowered the top rate in stages to 28% between 1981 - 1990 (Kristen Shepard shot J.R.), while unemployment averaged 7.1% / year, the Dow rose 17.1% / year and national debt rose 22.4% / year.

Between 1991 - 2000 it was raised twice (Gap blue desses weren't cheap) to 39.6%, while unemployment averaged 5.6% / year, the Dow rose 31.3% / year and national debt rose 5.48% / year.

Between 2001 - 2010 (Matt Murphy snagged Barry Bond's 756th HR ball 8/7/07) Republicans lowered it in stages to 35% while unemployment averaged 6.1% / year, the Dow rose 0.87% / year and national debt rose 13.3% / year.

"Book 'em Danno". '

  • " Raising minimum wage to $15 would increase tax revenue by $2.4 billion in Illinois AND increase housing affordability "

- voorhees center, august 18, 2018

" Every extra dollar that goes to a low-wage worker creates $1.21 worth of economic activity, according to respected economic models. Every dollar that goes into the pockets of high-earning Americans adds just 39 cents to the national economy. "

- bdn editorial, oct 1st, 2018

maine minimum wage increase took effect january, 2017

" Revenues for the state of Maine came in $55 million above estimates in April, increasing the surplus to nearly $71 million with two months left to go in the budget year. "

- bdn may 30th, 2018

Freezelight - "Light Painting Wifi" originally posted by tsukasa




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