was in north charleston in 2015 primary charleston did the best for bernie the rest of the state was very red its one of the reddest the best newssite is the #postandcourier it helped get dem joe cunningham elected to a historically red u s house seat but i think he came out against bernie

trey gowdy is from the western part of the state and one of his (and many sc repubs) largest donors was duke energy which sued a sc church for using solar panels

the a m e church shooting and the walter scott shooting happened while i was in north charleston and the cop that shot walter scott was put in prison not for murder but violating walter scott's civil rights

president obama spoke at the a m e church shooting funeral and the people didn't riot at either shooting while the victims' families asked the shooter be forgiven

charleston is called the holy city because it has so many churches

it is also the city that started the civil war and after counter kkk protests by the black panthers and just before beyonce's black panther super bowl halftime show, with steve spurrier earlier  saying they should 'take down that damned flag' - tea party governor nikki haley, who i s sihk, changed her position and lowered the confederate / south carolina state flag from the sc statehouse putting up the new saw palmetto flag

saw palmetto cures e d which is caused by eating meat

darius rucker is from west ashley across the river from charleston and built homes for poor single moms & dad in north charleston

trump built alleged hurricane proof houses near charleston and theyve had 2 hurricanes since but i didnt look to see how they fared

#shaunking supports bernie this year and i think his message and accurately disturbing news reports will resonate in sc


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