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 wilson phillips " the dream is still alive "

rolling stone says quinton tarantino is making a movie about l a involving the manson family

it's unclear who will attend the gala 50 year aniversary commemoration of the helter skelter murders whose purpose was to kick off the race war

 will richard spencer show and what would a race riot rendezvous be if antifa didn't make an appearance ?

both manson and brian wilson were diagnosed with schizophrenia

brian wilson's diagnosis changed to bipolar then to schizoaffective, but while he was diagnosed with schizophrenia he was being mind controlled by his therapist, or who at the very least had a gaurdian at lietem like control over him similar to the abuser in 'the girl with the dragon tattoo'


'Eventually, however, Brian Wilson had a nervous breakdown brought about by his incredible workload – between 1963 and 1965, he wrote and produced nine Beach Boys albums and 16 singles – and he began dosing his already fragile psyche with LSD in the pursuit of ever greater artistic achievement. '

- the guardian june 24th 2011

brian wilson said it was difficult when he went to the hospitals to find peace:

''It was hard at those hospitals. They were unfamiliar places. The lighting was different than what I was used to and the sounds were different and I had a hard time sleeping'.

On one such occasion in the late '60s, he was in bed trying to fall asleep when he heard a noise at the door.

'I turned and there was a guy there with a huge hard-on. I looked away from it, up to the guy's face, and it looked just like Tonto! I mean the actual Tonto from the TV Lone Ranger show, Jay Silverheels. I wasn't sure that it was him. He had everything but his horse, Scout,' Wilson writes.'

"Are you Tonto?" I said. He just stared at me. Then he turned and left the doorway. '

jay silverheels' real name was harry smith and he was the son of a mohawk chief

forbes claims brian wilson's psych problems stem from drug use, but he was deaf in one ear from beatings he endured from his father while growing up and being hit in the head with a lead pipe by a neighborhood kid

brian wilson had a break down after trying lsd

manson controlled the manson family with lsd

'far out magazine' says manson claimed brian wilson wrote the song 'in my room' after stealing manson's song: 'in my cell':

ronald stark had taken over b e l after 'uncle billy' had been bankrupted and arrested

don mclean lived in maine and now palm desrt did he find captain trips' stash hidden in palm desert ?

captain trips was also the name of the super flu virus that wiped out most of humanity in stephen king's 'the stand'

b e l produced the orange sunshine acid alleged used by the hell's angels at altamont and during the helter skelter murders

terry melcher was the beach boys producer at the time and manson had the tate murders committed at melchner's former house because manson was mad melchner didnt give him a recording contract

terry melcher's adoptive father martin melcher,  was from the town next to williams college, where richard helms attended before ww2

he had lived in the town with his wife and terry melcher's mother, doris day

richard helms destroyed the mk ultra files before the church committee could find them

no-one has said what mk ultra stood for other than mk meaning technical services and ultra being the enigma code designation

perhaps it only made sense while tavistock child psychologist melanie klein was high on acid

could alfred hubbard be related to l ron hubbard ?

could fresca ever replace mountain dew ?

alfred hubbard.                 l ron hubbard

alfred hubbard allegedly worked with nicolai tesla for a while and built the hubbard coil, the patent of which was purportedly bought by a corporation to prevent it from supplanting their products

j d rockefeller hid out in pittsfield, mass when he was subpoened to testify before the united states court in 1907 but the people of pittsfield told the press he was there so he allegedly had his daughter alta and son in law build mount hope farm in williamstown where he could be shielded from prying eyes

smile and the whole world is your vegan oysters rockefeller, frown for climate change ruining it for the oysters

in 1965 paul mccartney was dating jane asher, who was born in london

  • in 1965 brian wilson's song writing partner was tony asher, who also was born in london
jane asher's father was a famous psychiatrist, wrote a book on hypnotism and had 3 children: jane, peter asher of peter and gordon fame and...

radio character actor and school teacher clare asher

jane & paul

trump electron beam tower ?

since it has become almost impossible to talk about national affairs without comparing the subject to the trump administration, we shall examine trump's either famous or infamous uncle, who worked for the national science foundation, developed beam weapons and created a business after aquiring tesla's plans during ww2

trump's cousin married her husband while they were both at m i t and they moved to pittsfield to work at g e where nancy davis's bio father was from

bel was the mythological being vegan daniel had his name forcibly changed for as did his 3 freinds that were put in the oven

ronald reagan was married to nancy in 1952 the year mk ultra was created and the year reagan went from being a liberal democrat to an alt right conservative and it was about the same time reagan began working for g e

nancy reagan's bio parents were married at the bennington church where robert frost is buried

nancy davis's alt right adoptive father was o s s brain surgeon loyal davis

reagan was allegedly shot by a person later diagnosed with schizophrenia whose father worked for world vision as did the person who allegedly shot john lennon

brian's brother dennis wilson was a member of the manson family for a while, jeff

a person diagnosed with schizophrenia allegedly shot and killed john lennon and a person diagnosed with schizophrenia allegedly attacked and stabbed george harrison 

doris day and terry melcher

both martin melcher and alta rockefeller lived at the base of the mountain in berkshire county where jk rowling places her ilvermorny


tell your breasts to stop staring at my eyes

jfk dated marylin monroe and marilyn's fbi file was released under a foi request in 2012

jfk also dated mary pinchot myers who dosed him with lsd and reported it to timothy leary and who ( mary myers )  was murdered shortly after the assassination

mary pinchot myers acid test

mary myers's ex husband, cord myers, worked for the c i a 's operation mockingbird, manipulating the media

the myers had lived next to the kennedys for a while in virginia

both dulles brothers dated time/life inc owner henry luce's wife, clare booth luce who supported fascism

the luces financed and were involved in alpha 66, c i a sponsered invasions of cuba

the dakota hotel's doorman, jose perdomo participated in operation 40 c i a sponsored operations against cuba

roman polanski and his wife sharon tate lived in terry melcher's house when the 1969 manson family muders were committed, though polanski was off directing a movie at the time

roman polanski directed the 1968 film 'rosemary's baby' at the dakota hotel starring mia farrow whose sister, prudence farrow, inspired john lennon's song 'dear prudence'

paul mccartney described the beatles' song 'helter skelter' as 'the rise and fall of the roman empire'

former mi 6 agent john coleman claimed 'helter skelter' 'sympathy for the devil' and other beatles and rolling stones songs were written at the tavistock institute

the unabomber's mk ultra psychiatrist henry murray was a leading researcher of herman melville who wrote moby dick using the mountain jk rowling places her ilvermorny on as an inspiration for the great white whale, and planned the herman melville room at the berkshire antheneum, in pittsfield

paintings: " love songs "

suggestibility increase in hypnosis of various drugs compared

richard helms, who created mk ultra and eventually destroyed the files before the church committee could find them, attended the college located  just north of the mountain

both richard helm's and melanie klein's birthdays are on the same calender date as the assassination attempt on reagan

mk ultra survivor unabomber diagnosed with schizophrenia

melinda ledbetter, the car sales person who rescued brian wilson, is portrayed in the movie " love and mercy " by elizabeth banks, who is from pittsfield



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