business insider, november 6th, 2014 fake i d


the guy who allegedly killed mollie tibbitts wasn't undocumented, according to early reports from the des moins register

he had a valid out of state photo i d and a valid social security card and was an employee in good standing when he was arrested

then he became a political football

sandy tibbetts murphy

- des moins register, august 22, 2018

- daily mail uk august 23, 2018

the name christhian bahena rivera, the alleged killer, was using on the official documents was christhian baena

d h s and i c e say this was a fake name he aquired using stolen i d yet it was his real name in america using the original form of the bahena surname of his father

rivera was his mother's surname

why and how would he steal i d of his own name ?

bahena surname ancestry

e verify participating employers

so he used his real paternal last name with his real first name and had a social security card and out of state i d in support of his real name and social security and i n s were in charge of e verify before d h s was created but they (d h s) are saying he has another name...

" 'He used another name, and had supporting documents to go with that other name. Because the investigation is ongoing, we have been asked to not share any other details about the name he used.'  "

" It's understood that one of the last names Rivera used on official paperwork there was Baena, an alternative spelling of his paternal last name. "

they thought they did use e verify but i c e and d h s told them they did not ?

" However, the farm's owners said in a press conference later on Wednesday that the company had determined their ex-employee had used a false name to pass verification. They also explained that while they thought they were using E-Verify, they were actually using a different older system through the Social Security Administration. "

" In applying for the job, Rivera provided a state ID and Social Security card that was verified through the Social Security Administration's verification system, according to Lang. But those forms of ID were not of Rivera, he said. "

e verify works in partnership with social security :

" E-Verify compares information from an employee's Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 to data from U.S. government records. If the information matches, that employee is eligible to work in the United States. If there is a mismatch, E-Verify alerts the employer and the employee is allowed to work while he or she resolves the problem; they must contact the appropriate agency to resolve the mismatch within eight federal government work days from the referral date.[2] The program is operated by the DHS in partnership with the Social Security Administration. According to the DHS website, more than 600,000 employers used E-Verify as of 2016.[3] "

" E-Verify was originally established in 1996 as the Basic Pilot Program to prevent illegal immigrants and other people who have violated immigration laws from obtaining employment illegally in the United States. "

Basic Pilot Program Launched
" The INS, in conjunction with the Social Security Administration (SSA), implemented the Basic Pilot Program in California, Florida, Illinois, Nebraska, New York and Texas. The Basic Pilot Program was voluntary and allowed employers to confirm the work eligibility of their newly hired employees. The Basic Pilot Program used information from the employee's Form I-9 and compared it to the information in INS and SSA records. To verify information with SSA, employers were required to call SSA. Once the SSA information was confirmed by phone, the employer entered I-9 data into a computer program which transmitted the data to INS via a modem connection. "

yet the farm says they and rivera did fill out an i-9:

' “This is tragic. Mollie’s death is tragic. Everyone in our community wishes this didn’t happen. I believe we complied. I know we complied with the full extent of the law when we filled out the I-9,” he added, referring to federal employment paperwork. '

dhs was formed november 25, 2002

the farm where rivera worked claimed rivera had given them a fake name, which they wouldn't disclose, but rivera had a facebook page apparently under his real name

' Rivera's Facebook page described him as being from Guayabillo, a community of less than 500 people in the Mexican state of Guerrero. It's about a three-hour drive from the resort city of Acapulco. '

he did not have a drivers licence, but authorities believed the black car belonged to him ? :

heavy, august 22, 2018

if rivera did not have a driver's licence under any name, how did authorities connect the car to him ?

"  The video, taken in the evening of July 18, showed Tibbetts running near the area of Boundary and Middle Streets when a dark colored Chevy Malibu appeared. 
Authorities connected the vehicle to Rivera, who was questioned by investigators on Monday, an affidavit said.  "

" Rivera’s name was given as Christian Rivera in many media accounts. However, in court records and social media, his name was given as Cristhian Bahena Rivera. He was in the United States illegally, authorities revealed in a press conference. He is a Mexican national. He filled his page with comments written in Spanish. "

" In a statement Tuesday night, Dane Lang, of Yarrabee Farms, said Rivera was an “employee in good standing” and was “shocked to hear” Rivera was implicated.
UPDATE: What we know about alleged killer Cristhian Bahena Rivera
Dane Lang is the son of Craig Lang, the former president of both the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the Iowa Board of Regents and a 2018 Republican candidate for state secretary of agriculture. Documents immediately reviewed by the Des Moines Register listed several owners of Yarrabee Farms, including Dane Lang and Eric Lang, Craig's brother. "

' Richards wrote, “Former leader of Iowa’s educational system (The Iowa Board of Regents), Craig Lang, has verified that Cristhian is in this jurisdiction legally. Craig Lang supports Cristhian’s right to be in this jurisdiction, and for the Government to support any other idea of status publicly flies in the face of such statements.”
Lang’s family owns the Yarrabee Farms, where Rivera has been working for the past four years. In a statement issued Tuesday night, the farm said Rivera was cleared through the government’s E-Verify system. '

" Attorney Allan M. Richards said 24-year-old Cristhian Bahena Rivera came to the United States at the age of 17 with the equivalent of a middle-school education and "complied with his documented status since arriving in the U.S.A," as he worked at an Iowa dairy farm, The New York Times reported. "

trump installed kristen nielsen as chief of d h s:

" Kirstjen Nielsen, the White House’s deputy chief of staff, was nominated by US president Donald Trump to be secretary of the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday (Oct. 11). As secretary, Nielsen would command the massive federal agency tasked with keeping Americans safe from terrorism, and coping with natural disasters. "

kristen nielsen had skin in the game ?

' Referring to President Trump's response to clashes between the white supremacists and counter-protesters at Unite the Right Rally in CharlottesvilleVirginia on August 12, 2017, Alexander asked, "But in the comments that are obviously highly publicized when he [President Trump] placed blame in his words on both side, does that make your job harder when President says things that at least in those communities are viewed as he has got our [white supremacists'] back?" 

In her response Nielsen did not unequivocally denounce white supremacists. She said, "I think what’s interesting about that is we saw, and I think we continue to learn— maybe there was different, whether it was foreign influence or different purposeful attempts to get both sides, if you will, aggressively pitted against each other." She later added that “it’s not that one side is right, one side is wrong. Anybody that is advocating violence, we need to work to mitigate.”[39][40][41] "

' “In this case, the individual did provide a state-issued photo ID and a social security card. These items are required for us to complete an I-9, which is a federal document,” he said, adding they ran it through the Social Security Administration’s number verification service.
“The information came back verified,” he said, “that means that the exact name birthday and exact SSN were all cross-referenced.”

“What we learned in the last 24 hours was that our employee was not who he said he was. And just in the last four hours, we have come to learn that the Social Security Administration employment verification service is not the same as E-Verify,” he said. “Our family member who handles the verification process believed the systems were the same. They are not the same systems and we apologize for any confusion this caused with our earlier statement.
Richards, Rivera's lawyer, added, “Rivera diligently filed tax returns legally with the IRS.” '

' But some of Tibbetts’s family members have already come forward to decry the xenophobia. According to local Iowa station KWWL, aunt Billie Jo Calderwood posted the following public statement to her Facebook:

Please remember, Evil comes in EVERY color. Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you " '

' After a three-year investigation, they were arrested last month. Investigators found "electronic bitcoin wallets, computers, printers and gold and silver bars." Now, they'll be charged for making false identification documents and possessing document-making equipment.
The group's reign lasted for a while as they made sure not to leave a traceable trail. AP reports fake ID seekers had to "follow specific instructions to hide the transactions and use bitcoins, digital money that isn’t tied to a bank or government." But eventually, it caught up with them. '

"There`s a whole black market in selling identities, valid U.S. Citizen identities to people who are not that person and letting them use it on E- Verify," said Morrison. "So, until you have a way to stop identity theft and there are ways to do that, but unless you do that, then E-Verify will be just as in effective as the system that went before, it which was a paper system which was completely destroyed by false documents."

" IOWA CITY, Iowa — A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican immigrant accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday

Schlinger is the president of Campaign Headquarters, a call center that makes fundraising calls, identifies supporters and helps turn out voters for conservative candidates and groups. Her business is one of the largest in Brooklyn, the central Iowa town where Tibbetts disappeared while out for a run on July 18. "


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