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'Gaither Committee Members

'The Gaither report took its name from H. Rowan Gaither Jr., San Francisco attorney and former head of the Ford Foundation, who was its first chairman. Gaither became ill, and the report was completed under the direction of Robert C. Sprague of the Sprague Electric Co. and William C. Foster of the Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corp., who acted as co-chairmen.

Other members of the committee: James P. Baxter of Williams College, Robert D. Calkins of Brookings Institution, John J. Corson of McKinsey & Co., James A. Perkins of the Carnegie Corp., Dr. Robert C. Prim of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Hector R. Skifter of Airborne Instruments Laboratories, William Webster of the New England Electrical System and Prof. Jerome B. Weisner of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.'

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'The Gaither Report remained "Top Secret" until 1973. But, of course, it had leaked well before then. As John Prados records, on November 5, 1957, two days before it was forwarded to the President, the New York Times reported that a secret study of the entire scope of national defense was about to be sent to the NSC. Then, on December 20, Chalmers Roberts of the Washington Post published a very detailed article in that paper.156 The "missile gap" now appeared. The Report had been explicit in this matter:'

- the lean submariner


sprague electric constructed over 50,000 individual parts for apollo 11

officer obie rodney kinged some concert goers:

peter j sprague

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peter j sprague has a home in lenox, mass

'I arrived at Le Rosey from a small town in America (Williamstown Mass., 5,000 people), immature for my age, inept at soccer, devoid of social graces, speaking English and small boy French, a language that did not work well at big boy Le Rosey. '


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