putin owns 4.5% of gazprom which partnered with chevron

google says it uses cookies for metric data proceed if that's okay with you

then hagel joined the board of directors of chevron in 2010 before stepping down from chevron in 2013 to become secretary of defense and from 2009 to the present (july 2018)  sat on the  advisory board of deutschebank america during the russian money laundering scandal and the trump loan scandal

chuck hagel, trump and pence are of german heritage, putin's heritage isn't known

when we were attacked on 9/11 the father of george scherf the 3rd had met with osama's brother the day before, then george scherf the 3rd appointed a man with the same surname as the head of the nazi secret police to head the fbi, created i c e and d h s then police began wearing black shirts

the other 98%

his brother collected the missing files from huffman aviation the day after 9/11

the owner of huffman aviation was arrested from transporting drugs and claimed to be of german heritage

john trump received tesla's plans after otto skorzney claims he and reinhard gehlen murdered tesla and stole the plans for nazi germany and infiltrated george scherf jr, whose father was tesla's accountant, into the u s

george scherf senior allegedly also worked for brown brothers harriman and allegedly tried to overthrow fdr as president and instill a fascist dictator in the business plot

reinhard gehlen was head of west germany's anti soviet russia intelligence agency until 1968

jill stein tripled her 2012 vote count while not stealing votes away from hillary's popular vote victory margin because noam chomsky said not to

hillary won the preadjusted exit polls in pennsylvania and wisconsin where jill stein's attempts at independent voting machine audits in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan were blocked by judges of german heritage

the private corporation source code for the u s election system voting machines has never been audited for coding errors or or improper code that would create inaccurate vote counts


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